
Horror Books

44   Articles

Are you looking for some good Paranormal and Indian Horror books to read? bookGeeks has one of the largest collection of reviews of Indian Horror Books and Novels written by authors like Ruskin Bond, Indra Das and Manish Mahajan.

All our reviews are professionally done and the methodology we follow is logical but simple. We divide our book reviews into 5 categories:

1. The Plot: This is the main idea behind the book.
2. The Characters: The main actors in the books.
3. The Writing Style: The readability and language flow.
4. The Climax: The end.
5. The Entertainment Quotient: Overall enjoyability of the book.

1 Min Read

Charlie isn’t really happy with the way her life is going. She lives with her aunt in an isolated cabin in the woods which much to Charlie’s disappointment is far away from everything she cares about – civilization, friends, and life. Her life changes when one day her aunt is kidnapped by vampires and Charlie has no clue whatsoever.Until now, she never knew that vampires existed.

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