PLOT: 4.5/5

My musings

Maybe it’s because I am picking a romance after a really long time. Maybe it’s because after reading Durjoy Datta’s last book, The Perfect Us, I was a tad disappointed in him. Or maybe it’s simply because his latest book is that good – I just can’t bring myself to let go of Ananth and Mohini, the protagonists of Durjoy Datta’s Wish I Could Tell You.

The book has a story that stays with you long after you are
done reading it. Read on to know more about my thoughts on the book and why I
think you should give it a try.

What to expect?

Expect a book that has romance at its very core but one that
has a lot more to offer than just a regular cliché romance. The book narrates a
powerful story in a simple language and is packed with intense emotions, strong
characters, highly unexpected twists and an underwhelming but beautiful romance.
Finally, expect a book that takes Durjoy Datta’s writing to a whole new level.

Who can read?

Wish I Could Tell You makes use of a language that is
simple and fluid and hence the book can be easily picked up by a beginner level
reader. That being said, the book isn’t only meant for beginners. It will also
find appeal with voracious readers or lovers of literary fiction.

Let’s talk about the storyline

Ananth believes in all things good and he manages to find that good in everyone he comes across. Driven by an intense urge to help those in need, he finds himself joining, a fundraising organization that works for the benefit of the underprivileged and needy.

Mohini is a woman who is looking for a story. She wants to
write but she still hasn’t found the character that she wants to write about. Until
now, nobody had seemed interesting enough to charm the writer in her. Hence, it
is with the aim of finding a character or story interesting enough that she
joins the same organization –

How the stories of Mohini and Ananth overlap and how they
find exactly what they are looking for is the premise of the book. But luckily,
this isn’t everything that there is to the story.

Wish I Could Tell You also tells us a story where
real gets mixed up with fake, reality with illusion and the virtual world with
the physical one. It shows us everything – the good, the bad and the ugly side
of the world that we inhabit. And while doing so, it tells us a captivating
story of unrelenting love.

How good are the characters?

I simply love how the characters of the book are imagined. They are dynamic and interesting and the transformations that they undergo are almost perfect. I also like how we get to uncover the story from different people’s points of view. There are many perspectives and voices but these don’t make the book seem tiring or chaotic.

What about the author’s writing style?

Durjoy makes use of a contemporary theme, an intriguing
mystery, a new age romance, modern independent characters, burning social
issues and subtle moral lessons and, assimilates all of them into a book that
delivers highly in terms of entertainment. If this doesn’t speak for his
writing skills, then I don’t know what else will?

What did I like?

I love the mystery and intrigue that the book creates around its characters. I also love how suddenly the plot takes a completely different twist right in the middle of the book. A good part of the book creates this certain idea of the story and tricks the reader into complacency (the-I-have-already-figured-this-out-kind-of-confidence). And BOOM! right in the middle of the book everything changes and the reader is left stunned and shocked at the brilliance of it.

What did I not like?

Despite much efforts (I am sure) a few editing errors manage
to find their way into the book. However, they aren’t so many as to glaringly
stare you in the face but only a few that might be noticeable if you have a
keen eye.

Is the climax good enough?

When it comes to the climax of a romance, there isn’t much
that I can tell you without giving away spoilers. The thing worth mentioning
here is that the book manages to hold on to the suspense right till the end. It
does leave the reader with a lot of questions and conclusions open to
interpretations. But I guess that is because of a possible sequel.

It all boils down to the entertainment quotient

I won’t lie that the book is racy throughout. It takes its
own sweet time to grow on you and when it does there’s no holding you back from
turning those pages. It is entertaining because it manages to tell a story that
is unique and in tune with popular tastes.

In the end

In the end, Wish I Could Tell You is a book that
never fails to impress. It is a power-packed story told in beautiful words that
will make you want to believe in the power of love; that will make you want to
experience love. With every single page managing to hold the reader’s
attention, it is surely one amazing read.

The final verdict

Definitely go for it!

Pick it up if

Skip it

Watch the video review here

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