I remember reading Rashmi Bansal’s Poor Little Rich Slum and liking it a lot.
If you are somebody who follows my Youtube channel and my reviews here on bookgeeks, you will know that I enjoy non-fiction reads.
“God’s Own Kitchen” was one of the books that were sent to me by Westland for review and for the love of nonfiction I just could not refuse it.
Now I knew a little bit about Akshaya Patra but this book opened their entire world to me.
The book talks in vivid details about how Akshaya Patra came to be, how it was scaled up, what challenges it faced in opening kitchens across India, the struggles it continues to face today and about the millions of children, it feeds every day.
Akshaya Patra is run like an enterprise. It has a CEO, it has employees, it even has a marketing and PR team.
The only difference is that Akshaya Patra is run with a non-profit motive. It is run so that 1.6 million children across 11 states in India do not go hungry for the want of a mid-day meal.
We all know about a large number of mid-day meal schemes launched by the various state governments and we all know the truth behind these promised meals.
Akshaya Patra is an organization which not only promises a good nutritious hot meal but delivers so consistently to participating schools across India.
The story of how Akshaya Patra started is very interesting but I refrain from divulging anymore in the hope that I have got you curious enough to read the book yourself.
The story of a few monks coming together and forming a business-like organization which has been hailed as an epitome of success is truly inspiring.
In “God’s Own Kitchen” Rashmi Bansal writes in her signature style and combines her good writing skills and storytelling abilities to create a read which is informative and inspiring at the same time.
The book is full of pictures and photos which make Akshaya Patra come alive to the reader.
The result of meticulous research and planning is a visually appealing book which is a pleasure to read.
I personally like non-fiction books and if a book is as breezy as this one, then I am surely in for a treat.
There is a lot of primary research which has gone into writing the book.
There are stories of individuals within the organization which tells us how these people battled the worst to create something so virtuous.
The personal stories and anecdotes from these people are something which gives the book an extra dimension; something which secondary research can never achieve.
Overall, “God’s Own Kitchen” is a delightful read and hence I recommend it to lovers of nonfiction.
Can’t wait to read it? Buy your copy at the link below!
Watch the YouTube review below: