PLOT: 5/5

Dedicated to her late father Shri Ram Das Chawla who has influenced her most with his rare and inimitable qualities, It’s Up To You is an inspiring read on the need for taking action in an age where protest and self-representation are at its peak.

Divided into three parts, the book has three chapters in part one, eleven chapters in part two and six chapters in part three.

Being a youngster is never easy and It’s Up To You is a gem for those who find their teens a difficult phase of life and do not know how to go about wheeling their energies in the right direction.

As per a saying by Buddha, “the mind is everything what you think you become,” and this is the central tenet of the book. It is all a mind game and the most important aspect in life is to know how to go about placing your mind in the right place to stride forward in the right direction.

Anju Dhawan mentions that one must live in the present at all times and that a person is solely responsible for the current situation of their life. She further elucidates how the mind works with solemn examples.

It is crucial to understand that the mind and its thoughts play an important role in shaping one’s character, circumstances and destiny. The positive, negative, unnecessary and necessary thoughts comprise the mind.

The language of the book is easy to read. The ideas are well organised and placed in such a manner that they can be easily accessed by the reader with ease.

The “let’s revise” section at the end of the book comes with a short recapitulation of the thoughts that have been stressed on in the section and it is very helpful.

Dhawan uses ample examples and quotations to drive home her point, though the chapters are slightly longer.

It’s Up To You comes with activity sections where the youngsters can jot down their thoughts to empower themselves. It is a great brainstorming session and this workbook style of noting down ideas makes the book engaging.

Dhawan notes that it is sad to see compassion and humanity missing in many people today. Newspapers provide good examples of the rising apathy in people’s minds but that doesn’t mean that goodness is completely dead.

The author, time and again, shows the reader through beautiful illustrations and examples the several people who went to fight against the odds to reinstate the importance of generosity and gratitude in humankind.

A few chapters on fears of failures and other fears and phobias are very interesting. They show the reader the negative aspects that are equally present in all people. But the winner is the one who overcomes these negativities to bourgeon into a positively successful person.

While procrastination is the greatest enemy of the present generation so is cyber addiction.

As the reader moves further towards the end of the book, he will notice through several case studies how well researched the book is. It has brilliant ideas, techniques and suggestions that anyone can easily incorporate in their lives.

The book is filled with profound life lessons that will impart a lot of positivity in the lives of students and the youth who are looking for an inspirational read. It can also be read and enjoyed by both young and old alike.

The cover page is rather simple with youngsters holding up the words of the title on placards.

The text of the book has a minimal decoration with the first page that has the part number of the book inscribed on it and it is covered with flowers and smileys. It adds a refreshing touch to the book, though the main focus is on the text and the décor does not take away from the central ideas of the write-up.

Now whether you want to take from the wisdom Dhawan imparts or you want to continue to sulk about how many things are not working out in your favour: it’s totally up to you.

Can’t wait to read it? Buy your copy of It’s Up To You from the link below.

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