Amazon bestselling author of “Master Your Emotions,” Thibaut Meurisse, has written another simple yet very effective and practical self-help book – “Success Is Inevitable.” The book was originally published in 2019 and is now available with an attractive new pink cover. In the book, the author talks about what success is and how it works.
Meurisse starts the book by first telling us readers why we should read this book and what we have to gain from it. We all have our dreams and goals set, and we do work towards them, but somewhere we achieve far less than what we otherwise deserve. This book gives us a clear understanding of how success works by providing us with tools and habits to achieve these goals.
For easy understanding, Meurisse divides the book “Success Is Inevitable” into five unique parts.
In Part 1, he defines success. Success isn’t defined by how much money one has in one’s bank account, and it’s not to be based on what our family and friends want. It is what YOU want from life, and only that can define success for you. To come to this life-changing conclusion, one has to be brutally honest with themselves. He mentions the four fundamental powers that one must understand and follow, namely responsibility, belief, clarity, and passion.
In Part 2, he talks about activating the power of commitment. Often, people don’t really fully commit and eventually shift to their backup plan. Not that having a backup plan is bad, but not fully committing to the original goal will not lead to any desired success. Being committed will cause you to learn whatever needs to be learned to get where you want to be and refuse to give up until the desired results are achieved.
Part 3 is the most important part of the book, as success is not decided by one factor, and to master that, one needs to follow some laws. Here, he has listed some 21 laws, like the law of humility, focus, consistency, attraction, rest, intent, perseverance, courage, and so on. All these laws are explained in a simple yet detailed manner, which helps readers to understand and follow them. Understanding and following all these laws will go a long way in helping one achieve the desired success.
Part 4 talks about the importance of emotional stability. Life will give setbacks that aren’t in our hands, and at such difficult times, one mustn’t be consumed by overwhelming emotions. If one can manage their emotions, then they are able to achieve almost everything, especially long-term goals. Meurisse also talks about overcoming challenging times by reaffirming to us that these setbacks are transient in nature. He advises us to cut some slack and remember that success is a process and it takes time; the focus should be on achieving long-term goals. Along with this, one must practice self-compassion, which is more powerful than self-criticism, thus enhancing one’s performance. Along with all this, one must never forget to be grateful, which will definitely make one happy and resilient.
Part 5 is all about working with others. Doing charity, putting yourself in others’ shoes, and building long-term relationships give one a profound sense of happiness along with a sense of empowerment.
“Success Is Inevitable” surely works, as after each explanation, the author has given various exercises or action steps, which, if worked upon, give the much-needed confidence and boost required to achieve success. These exercises are simple yet very effective. I have been religiously doing them, and my outlook and perspective on things have changed. I especially liked the action guide at the end of the book, which is the culmination of the entire book and will act as if one gives a prelim exam before embarking on the inevitable path of success.
Finally, the journey to success is a long one where one will encounter many hurdles and setbacks, but by using this book as a guide and motivation, success will for sure be inevitable. Much recommended to people looking for a motivational book about success.
Cannot wait to read it? You can buy your copy of “Success Is Inevitable” using the link below.