PLOT: 4/5

After a long time, I came across a book which inspired me truly and this was because of the story of five different women told in this book, each of whom had to face struggles in life and each of whom decided to fight it back with all they can.

Kamini Kusum, the young budding author of this book has penned a beautiful collection of 5 short stories in this very relevant and versatile book.

“Secrets, Sins and Struggles” is thus a collection of 5 stories each based upon its lead female character.

Pooja is a young teenage girl who was unwillingly pushed into the flesh trade but is firm in her resolve to find an escape.

Shrawani is a girl who makes the mistake of falling in love with a guy who turns out to be very undeserving and immature. She dreams of becoming a bureaucrat one day but every single time is pulled back due to interference from her troubled love life.

But even after having wasted years in pursuing her goals, Shrawani is bound to make her dreams come alive one day.

Avni is also a young girl who is being fooled by another dubious guy who is just lurking around for some fun. Avni, brainwashed and in love, tears away from her childhood friend and confidante for the sake of this guy.

Harsha is a lovely lady who fell in love but was not able to marry her lover because of family pressures. Now unhappily trapped in an unwanted marriage, Harsha still dreams of her one true love.

Geshna is an impressionable girl who decides to give up her career and dream for the sake of a guy who turns out to be a jerk. But once clear of his vile intentions, she is determined to make up for all the lost years.

All these girls are young and passionate. They all are ready to do what it takes for them to get what they want.

All five characters of “Secrets, Sins and Struggles” have depth and all of them leave a mark on you. The stories are simple but told with such vigour and fervour that it is difficult not to like them.

I also loved the way Kamini Kusum has managed to keep each story just the right length. They are neither too short (too incomplete) nor too lengthy (with unnecessary details).

“Secrets, Sins and Struggles” is such a fast read that I was able to read it in a little over 2 hours. The plots are all concise and are single focused (no subplots).

The writing style of the author is such that there is never a dull moment in the book and the pages just keep turning automatically.

The climax, though average for each of the story, was truly inspirational and fulfilling. It would have been unsatisfactory to have the climax any other way.

Overall, “Secrets, Sins and Struggles” is an excellent read and I rate it four out of five stars in the entertainment quotient. I will recommend this book to anyone who is determined to make it work and is looking for inspiration.

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