The Rise of Rama tells us the original story as it goes in the Ramayana. It is not a mythological fiction but true mythology. The book takes some creative liberty and reimagines certain conversations but that’s pretty much it. Apart from this small distinction, the story remains unaltered.
Religion and Mythology Books
Are you looking for some good Religion and Mythology books to read? bookGeeks has one of the largest collection of reviews of Indian Religion and Mythology Books written by authors like Devdutt Pattanaik, Meghnad Desai and Amish Tripathi.
All our reviews are professionally done and the methodology we follow is logical but simple. We divide our book reviews into 5 categories:
1. Subject: Has the author chosen a good topic for the book?
2. Relevance: Is the book relevant to the current generation of readers?
3. Writing Style: Is the author clear in his/her narration?
4. Research: The research done by the writer on the present subject.
5. The Entertainment Quotient: Overall enjoyability of the book.
Say No To Happiness discusses various aspects of life and the way of addressing any hurdles that cross our path. Madhu Namboodiri deliberates on the basic element in the human world that is the source of all the unhappiness and failures; the hindrance in our path to living a “dream life”.
SUBJECT: 4.5/5 RESEARCH: 4/5 WRITING STYLE: 4/5 RELEVANCE: 4.5/5 ENTERTAINMENT QUOTIENT: 4.5/5 [perfectpullquote align=”left” cite=”” link=””…
SUBJECT: 4.5/5RELEVANCE: 4.5/5WRITING STYLE: 4.5/5RESEARCH: 4/5ENTERTAINMENT QUOTIENT: 4.5/5 [perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] “Within…
SUBJECT: 4/5 RESEARCH: 4.5/5 WRITING STYLE: 4/5 ENTERTAINMENT QUOTIENT: 3/5 “19th Akshauhini: Algorithm of the Gita”…
CONCEPT: 4/5 WRITING STYLE: 3.5/5 RESEARCH: 3.5/5 ENTERTAINMENT QUOTIENT: 3.5/5 “India is more than a land,…
Shikhandi And Other Tales They Don’t Tell You consists of thirty-odd chapters with each one of them dealing with a character or incident of Queerness finding mention either in any one of our ancient texts or surviving the wrath of time by making its way through the still prevailing ancient oral traditions; all of them pertaining to Hinduism.
SUBJECT: 5/5 RELEVANCE: 5/5 RESEARCH: 3.5/5 WRITING STYLE: 3.5/5 ENTERTAINMENT QUOTIENT: 3/5 “karmanyevaadhikaaraste maa phaleshu kadaachana…