
Short Story Books

69   Articles

Are you looking for some good Indian Short-Story books to read? bookGeeks has one of the largest collection of reviews of Indian Short Stories written by renowned authors like R.K. Narayan and Ruskin Bond. These are generally works of fiction that can be read in a single sitting.

All our reviews are professionally done and the methodology we follow is logical but simple. We divide our book reviews into 5 categories:

1. The Plot: This is the main idea behind the book.
2. The Characters: The main actors in the books.
3. The Writing Style: The readability and language flow.
4. The Climax: The end.
5. The Entertainment Quotient: Overall enjoyability of the book.

5 Min Read

‘मंटो की सर्वश्रेष्ठ कहानियाँ’ शीर्षक कहानी संग्रह श्री नंदकिशोर विक्रम द्वारा सम्पादित किया गया है। इस संग्रह में सआदत हसन मंटो जैसे उर्दू के ऐसे कहानीकार की कहानियाँ संकलित की गयी हैं जिनकी हिंदी में सर्वाधिक कहानियाँ प्रकाशित हुई हैं। मंटो हिंदुस्तान और पाकिस्तान की साझी विरासत के सशक्त कहानीकार थे।

1 Min Read

Tales of Her is all about celebrating womanhood and its characteristics, the perfection, the sense of keeping everyone happy and the bounded dutifulness that lies at the core of being a woman in the modern world. 10 women battle it out in 10 compelling stories of desire, betrayal, faith and above all, the search for a perfection that is a never-ending quest.

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