Nonet is a potpourri of heterogeneity. Every story is different, incongruous with the rest, and yet they all come together beautifully like an exquisite bouquet of wildflowers.
Short Story Books
Are you looking for some good Indian Short-Story books to read? bookGeeks has one of the largest collection of reviews of Indian Short Stories written by renowned authors like R.K. Narayan and Ruskin Bond. These are generally works of fiction that can be read in a single sitting.
All our reviews are professionally done and the methodology we follow is logical but simple. We divide our book reviews into 5 categories:
1. The Plot: This is the main idea behind the book.
2. The Characters: The main actors in the books.
3. The Writing Style: The readability and language flow.
4. The Climax: The end.
5. The Entertainment Quotient: Overall enjoyability of the book.
The language of the book is easy to follow, neither too ornate nor too crisp.
The book is worth reading word by word, page by page and definitely more than once, because of its clever use of climaxes and gripping plots.
“Afsaane” is a collection of short stories that are relatable in their themes and remarkable in their depth. It is a book that attempts to anchor our generation down with its esoteric lessons and its philosophical musings.
Each story is beautifully crafted with contrasting characters like Kanika and Kanta from different socio-economic backgrounds, Tiya and Bijoy with different levels of commitments and Rakhi and Mamta varying in their sense of loyalty and age.
‘मंटो की सर्वश्रेष्ठ कहानियाँ’ शीर्षक कहानी संग्रह श्री नंदकिशोर विक्रम द्वारा सम्पादित किया गया है। इस संग्रह में सआदत हसन मंटो जैसे उर्दू के ऐसे कहानीकार की कहानियाँ संकलित की गयी हैं जिनकी हिंदी में सर्वाधिक कहानियाँ प्रकाशित हुई हैं। मंटो हिंदुस्तान और पाकिस्तान की साझी विरासत के सशक्त कहानीकार थे।
Unholy Tales from Banaras shows us a side of the city that often eludes a normal traveller. In addition to all its culturally rich experiences, the book lays bare its dark underbelly too. Expect a short read that shares multiple tales from the land of Banaras. Expect a book that is part fiction and part travel writing.
The book is fairly entertaining. The stories are easy to read and since they all are so different in their scope and storyline; the collection is a diverse one. Some of the stories are soulful and they manage to leave a lasting impression on the reader.
‘Love in Siesta’ is a collection of 8 short stories on human psyche, instinct and emotion. The book makes use of different scenarios from changing time periods that meditate on private vision, opinions, passions and hidden motives that often have explicit, drawn out consequences.
Love in the Time of Whatsapp and Other Stories is a short and sweet collection of tales that tell us a thing or two about the times that we live in and the way technology has changed the way we love and even find love.
The Madness of the Monk tells us a fictional story of the author himself. The book narrates his meetings with a mystic “mad monk” whom the author inadvertently keeps bumping into while he is travelling around the scenic Dharamshala and the colonial Shimla. It is in these meetings that the author learns about the seven noble truths of life.
Pocketful O’ Stories is a collection of over 200 micro tales – each of them being not more than a page long. Expect a book that showcases love from the point of view of hundreds of Indians. Expect a book that talks about romance in the most innocent and ordinary ways.
Sting in the Tale is a collection of thirteen short stories. The stories are across different genres and perspectives. Each story ends with the aim of a twist in the plot line that may leave the reader in wonder and awe. It is a light read with absorbing tales that can occupy a reader for an evening or two.
Worth reading from cover to cover, They Go to Sleep is interesting on a whole new level. There are a total of twelve short stories in this collection. It is a well-compiled assortment of tales about ordinary people going about their everyday lives until they fall into extraordinary situations and how they deal with these circumstances.
Kaleidoscope of Love is a collection of 10 short stories all based on the theme of love. The book is a rather short read and with just 90 pages, it is easily doable in under 2 hours. Expect a book that delves deeper into the hearts of its many characters in order to find the true essence of love.
Tales of Her is all about celebrating womanhood and its characteristics, the perfection, the sense of keeping everyone happy and the bounded dutifulness that lies at the core of being a woman in the modern world. 10 women battle it out in 10 compelling stories of desire, betrayal, faith and above all, the search for a perfection that is a never-ending quest.
While picking up An Offbeat Yellow Back expect a read that is a mixed bag. As the subtitle aptly puts it, this is a book with a genre. There are a lot of musings, a few anecdotes and even fewer tales that the book tells us. But let that not deter you from giving this book a try because it’s an incredibly relatable one and especially so for working women.
Hate in the Time of Malaria is a collection of five screenplays that stands for the idea of inversion and apposition. Comedy is the basic strain that flows through these tales. The stories are built up to multiple climaxes and several twists in the narrative structure.