“Everyone Has a Story” is an inspirational romance novel written by Savi Sharma
PLOT: 2.5/5
After seeing “Everyone Has a Story” break many records, I was very keen on reading this one.
Savi Sharma is credited with being India’s first successful self-published author. Her book was first self-published and after selling like hotcakes, she was offered a deal from Westland. And that was it! She was already famous.
So obviously, even I got curious to read the book which had got everyone talking about it and had taken the publishing world by storm.
“Everyone Has a Story” is about a young girl Meera who is in search of a story and but has no idea where she might find it.
In search of her story, she comes across Vivaan, a young and successful banker who has a secret desire; that to escape the world in which he lives and travel to his heart’s content.
Then there is a coffee shop manager Kabir, who is a friend of Meera’s and is always encouraging her to write. Lastly, Nisha is a girl whom Kabir falls in love with and soon proposes.
The story starts interestingly with a decent prologue but I remember reading through the pages one by one and still wondering when will it get real?
When will the actual plot build up? The part which got everyone hooked, when will it come?
Alas! My desires were never to be met. I just kept on reading and nothing seemed worth the time I was putting in and then just like that the story ended.
I remember thinking, “What was it that I just read?” and I kept pondering over what made the book sell the way it did. I had no answers again.
So, to tell you all in one simple sentence – The book is seriously over-hyped. There is nothing good in those 180-odd-pages.
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Read the review of “Everyone Has a Story – 2”[/perfectpullquote]The plot is just missing and it actually cannot be called a plot.
The characters seem to be an okay bunch but they too sometimes ended up doing things for no reason apparently. They lacked depth and it seemed to me that they also lacked rationality.
The use of language is good. I liked some sentences and the meaning they conveyed. But those too were a bit overdone and ended up giving the book, a dull and monotonous tone.
There were certainly interesting moments in the story but they were short-lived.
The climax was unrealistic too. The storyline was such that it left many questions unanswered.
Had some more thought and work gone into the plot and into pulling up loose ends, “Everyone Has a Story” would have fared much better.
Now there are many who may differ with my views but this is solely my review and whatever I write here is my honest opinion.
So, if you ask me, I would say refrain from buying this much-discounted book on Amazon and save yourself some precious hours.
Still, want to go ahead and buy it? Follow the link below and get your copy!