It is not often one comes across a child prodigy who wants to change the way people look at children; someone who wishes to do things that not many children would think of. So, imagine our surprise when we came across the young and talented scholar Dhrubajyoti Chakraborty who has recently come out with his book Jupiter Unknown Facts.

Jupiter Unknown Facts is an illustrated book that shares interesting trivia and information about the largest planet in our Solar System.

Dhrubajyoti believes in doing productive and constructive activities. Though an avid scholar of science and technology subjects, he also likes to dabble in the creative arts of drawing and painting. A student of class 8 at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Siliguri, Dhrubajyoti first decided to pick up writing during the lockdown period.

After a period of extensive research, it took him an entire month to write his debut book. He has attempted to pack as much information about the largest planet as possible. In addition to that, there are some interesting nuggets about Galileo Galilei and Greek mythology as well.

Dhrubajyoti is inspired by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam as well as his parents and teachers. Both his parents are also avid readers who are interested in reading and writing about contemporary matters.

Dhrub’s special interests include reading about science and space and solving math puzzles.

All of 12 years, he is an inspiration for all Indians old and young. Having participated and won in many competitions and cultural activities, Dhrub also encourages others to take part in such activities.

We at bookGeeks got a lucky chance to have a tete-e-tete with the young and talented author. Here is what Dhrubajyoti Chakraborty has to say about his love for reading and his latest book. He also sheds light on his plans about writing and some precious tips for aspiring writers.

Tell us something about yourself. What are your likes and dislikes?
I am Master Dhrubajyoti Chakraborty, a student of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sukna, Siliguri, studying in class 8th. I enjoy solving math problems and reading science books. I also like drawing, painting, and other constructive activities. What I dislike is idling away my valuable time.
When during the lockdown, children all over India were enjoying lazing away their time in television and media, you decided to instead write a book. What inspired you to do so?
Since my early days, I have been drawn towards the mystery of all planets, of which I am especially drawn towards the unknown facts about Jupiter. This is the sole reason for my inspiration to write such a book during the lockdown. I wanted to do something productive that would add value to not just my knowledge base, but also help other children learn about the secrets of Jupiter.
How long did it take for you to write Jupiter Unknown Facts?
It took me around 1 month to finish my book Jupiter Unknown Facts.
Are there other similar topics that you would like to explore?
Yes, there are other similar topics like the planet Mars that greatly intrigues me. I would like to explore the subject in detail, sometime in the future.
You are an avid reader yourself. Tell us about some of your favorite books.
Yes, I am indeed an avid reader. Some of my favorite books include Everything Space by Helaine Becker and India's Space Adventure by Biman Basu. I have also enjoyed many other books from time to time.
Are you thinking about writing your next book? If yes, then what will it be about?
Yes, I am thinking about writing my next book. It will be about the exploration of planet Mars.
Who is your biggest source of inspiration in life?
My parents and teachers are the biggest sources of inspiration in my life.
Would you ever consider writing fiction?
No, I have not yet considered writing fiction. As of now, my interests are predominantly leaning towards scientific inquiries and exploration.
Do you see writing as a hobby or a career option?
I mostly view writing as a hobby and as an activity to broaden my horizons. I haven’t thought about it as a career option.
What would be your suggestions to other children who are also aspiring to be writers?
My suggestion to other children who are also aspiring to be writers is that they should be voracious readers. Additionally, they should also strive to work on their writing every possible day.

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