An MBBS by education, and a blogger and author by passion, Deepak Kripal currently works as a doctor at NTPC Ltd. 

Living in the beautiful city of Varanasi, life has exposed him to a whole new set of experiences and it is these characters and experiences that the author portrays in his latest book Sense of a Quiet.

When not at work, the author likes to indulge his creative side, and this can be seen by his consistent dedication to his craft. Deepak has been a blogger for the last 14 years and an author for the last 9 years. The versatility of his craft can be judged by the sheer diversity that one gets to see in his novels.

While The Devil’s Gate: An Impossible Journey is an adventure fantasy novel that talks of a world where animals band together to plan a secret mission against the selfishness and cruelty of humans, the author’s latest book Sense of a Quiet is a contemporary fiction that has a sensitive and emotional take on love, life, and relationships in modern India. 

A regular reader himself, the author’s favorite author is Khaled Hosseini. When asked about his favourite book he likes to count Doctors by Erich Segal at the top of his list. 

His writing is inspired by fields of psychology and sociology and it is his dream to leave a lasting impression on the literary world by contributing at least ten good stories. 

Experience and arts play a huge role in his life, and when he is not reading, writing, or practicing his profession, he likes to engage in his other interests – movies, cricket, and travelling. 

A proud member of a large family, he counts his family as his greatest strength and his biggest weakness. 

We at bookGeeks got a lucky chance to have a short and candid conversation with the author. Here is what he has to say about his latest book Sense of a Quiet, and his love for books and writing. 

Tell us something about yourself. Who is Deepak as a person? What are his likes, dislikes, and passions?
I am a simple person with a small bucket list of what I want to do with my life. I have had my share of ups and downs, like everyone else, and they have only made me a better person if anything. I love honest, simple people. I love cricket, movies, and travelling, again, like everyone else. I can’t stand artificial and opinionated people. Stories are my passion, and I wish to tell at least ten good stories before signing off.
Take us through your latest book, Sense of a Quiet. What, according to you, is the main appeal of the collection?
If you are a person who likes realistic stories with genuine emotions, you will certainly love reading the book.
Take us through your work in the professional sphere? Has it ever influenced your writing?
I am a doctor by profession. This story certainly has some aspects and characters that are related to doctors. But that is where the influence ends, and beyond that, it is just another story about life and genuine human emotions.
What does a regular day look like for you?
Hospital, writing, talking to people who matter, some reading if it’s a good day!
Take us through your writing regimen. Are you a spontaneous writer or a disciplined one?
Disciplined! No.
In Sense of a Quiet, what was the most challenging part to write?
Rakesh, the rickshaw walla was most difficult. I had met a rickshaw walla in Haridwar who inspired this character, but I needed the world view of this man to put him at the centre of this drama. I had tea at a tapri in a slum for six months to get an idea of the world Rakesh belonged to.
How much time did it take for you to complete the book?
4 years.
Your greatest strength?
Family and friends.
Your biggest weakness?
Family and friends.
A quote that never fails to motivate you?
Every artist was first an amateur. I like this quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson.
What are your other interests apart from writing?
Travelling, movies, cricket, and spending time with my buddies.
Any new projects that you are currently working on?
I have started working on something that I find exciting, but that’s all I can tell you for now.

Buy your copy of Sense of a Quiet by Deepak Kripal using the link below.

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