PLOT: 3.5/5
CLIMAX: 3.5/5

“If a human heart can feel infinite pain, it can also feel infinite love.”

– Ashish Bagrecha, Dear Stranger, You Deserve to Be Loved

Written in an epistolary form, this book is a non-fiction self-help comprising of a letter for each day of the month. These letters are written by the author Ashish Bagrecha and are meant to be read by readers who may be looking for some sort of inspiration, words of hope on questions and issues rather personal. These are words that strike every mind but don’t find any utterance due to the fear of being judged.

First things first, the book cover consists of a red base background that has the title of the text engraved in three-dimensional form with an image of something that looks akin to a paper plane. It immediately indicates the idea that the paper plane consists of a letter written that is folded in a certain way meant to be flown or sent to someone who will open it and follow the message within. This is indicative of the subtitle of the book which is reflective of the notion that it consists of self-realizations about self-love and also relationships that are long-lasting to create a life that is meaningful and full of hope.

Dear Stranger, You Deserve to Be Loved instills certain values that are not based on random midnight musings or sudden thoughts that have struck the mind of the author but rather based on deep reflection, understanding, and a scientific and sound sense of judgment.

In total, there are 30 letters considering that there are 30 days approximately on average in a month. Structurally, the book is divided into 3 broad sections, namely, Loving Yourself, Building Lasting Relationships, and Living a Meaningful Life. The first section has about 12 chapters for 12 days, followed by 11 chapters for 11 days in the second section, and the last section comprises 7 chapters for 7 days.

Each of the sections works in a certain progression that may be roughly noted through the movement of the individual from the self to the higher self. This is noted in the understanding that the individual will not be able to understand the greater meaning of life, add meaning to co-existing with other humans and species, and bring any depth into everyday living until they understand their own selves, accept themselves, and love being themselves.

The preface of the book is highly important as it not only helps to streamline the thoughts of the readers when they take up this book but it also assists in guiding their expectations from this book and how they can make the most out of reading it.

Additionally, Dear Stranger, You Deserve to Be Loved is not meant for leisure reading. The thoughts, ideas, and realizations shared in this book are meant for practical application in daily life by the readers. Hence, there are several sections that are highlighted in the preface of the book as well as throughout the length of the book that allows for better focus, and increased depth, and make sure that the readers make the most out of it.

The whole idea of the author is to instill hope in readers. This is not a false hope that sounds good on paper but hope through better utilization of one’s resources and better derivation of a wholesome lifestyle that is healthy, both physically and mentally. In this entire process, love is what keeps people going. If they feel loved and appreciated, then they are bound to be more productive and feel more efficient. This will increase the quantity and quality of the output of their work as their energies will be channeled in the right direction through the right modes.

The author also acknowledges that finding hope and love is not easy. One has to tread the hardships of life as it is not a bed of roses. So, the shift of focus on the positives or the silver lining in every situation is important. There is a sense of a caring voice and a helping hand that the book resonates.

Dear Stranger, You Deserve to Be Loved is the outcome of the author’s own personal experiences of feeling left out, lonely, lagging behind, and deprived of human connection. All these negative emotions arise from the craving of the human heart to feel love and to be loved. This emanates the idea that when two strangers meet and get together, then the only bond that binds them is the feeling of mutual love for the sake of humanity.

It is this feeling of being human, mutually respecting one another, caring for and loving one another that garners a bond and gives them the joy of sharing. This connection with one another ensures personal bonding that gives love, and light and allows for the free flow of ideas, openness, and overall exchange of thoughts that cultivate lessons that remain etched in the mind for a lifetime.

With a lucid, simple, and easy-to-follow writing style, this book is a ray of sunshine on a rather dark day.

Can’t wait to read it? Buy can buy your copy of Dear Stranger, You Deserve to Be Loved using the link below.
